Division Lies In Divisive Lies

NikkiHalley Biden Xi HEADER

Posted: Nov 27, 2023   11:25:00 PM   | by Pascal-Denis Lussier

Anything Goes if Going for Anything is Given a Go


I gotta put in a word, seeing as she's far too present in the media again, and unless it's under 30 seconds and tells me of her death or imprisonment with happy music, I really don't care to hear a single word about Hillary Clinton, which is doubly so from her directly.

What a loathsome and pathetic sociopath and one of the worst examples of a human being she is, and now one that comes across like an always whining and super-entitled high-school princess who missed her chance of becoming prom queen, and just keeps annoying the world about it while affirming she'd like to destroy half of it. A bit like Trump; funny that.

I can understand why some would see value in her if Trump is what they make it all about, but that just brings to the fore a whole other whack of ugly and evil that results out of a two-party path paved by corporate interests.

She's no better than Trump, and far more evil than him, that I'm sure of, while I'm not sure who is the bigger bigot of the two—is the ability to hide it better a plus? I'm not so sure that Trump "would end the country" (right), but I feel confident in saying that it would take a huge leap toward white nationalist illiberalism, a facet that, ironically, is sure to please those overly-patriotic-and-proud, USA-can-do-no-harm MAGA types, be they supporters of Trump or not.

For let's be perfectly honest, those who are willing cogs in the Wall Street-controlled corporate wheels of businesses and the military machine, and are willing to do anything to prop up the establishment rather than see it weakened in any way, they're MAGA types in their own right, though they differ from those who aren't ashamed to wear the hat in terms of scope and in the ways they express their patriotism, the difference almost invisible, however, on anything relating to foreign policy that involves oppression, suppression, killings or bombs if any of that results in profit.Clinton the Witch

This increasingly appears to be just as true at home, the difference mere political pandering for the popularity contest called "elections". Clinton satisfies the Trump in those who hate Trump, and she's a better, more serene face for imperialism than the brash, think-it-up-and-say-it-on-the-spot Trump.

But her kind have already destroyed the US, in my opinion.

If blinded by Trump to see the truth, here it is: Hillary Clinton is one of the most evil and insane people I can think of. And she's desperate to have her turn in office—she can't trust anyone else to get the plans right; look how bad Biden messed up—while she's also in need of attention and actually thinks anyone still wants to listen to the soulless warmongering scum-snot rather than play T-ball with her head to test out the tensile quality of aging scum snot.

By the way: Do not play T-ball with anyone's head, unless, perhaps, they're already dead? Not sure what the rules are for those, to be frank...

Also: Don't kill people just to play T-ball.Anti-Palestine racist idiocy

Actually: Don't kill people for any reason.

Exceptions: Self-defense and if forced to fight in a just war; also, in some countries: to alleviate another's suffering, if within firm criteria.

Note: What's happening in Palestine is not a "just war", nor self-defense.

Perhaps: Abortions? If one sees that as killing a person versus not allowing a life that never was to be. Just trust that, in the region, only Israel is on the right side of abortion, too. Which provides one more reason to bomb Palestinian babies.  

Additionally: If you're on a train travelling east at 65 km/h and there's a south-western wind of 18 knots with a 37% saturation level that's hitting the train at 39.4° on a day where the ambient temperature sits at 36°C and the dew point is at 38.4°C and the railcar you're sitting in has a 4:5:2:3 non-white to non-Black to non-Arab to non-Asian ratio, this grouping comprised of 8 Christians—2.4 of which are Roman Catholics—3 Muslims, 2 Trumpists, 3 Jews, 1 Buddhist-Protestant Hindu post-op-pre-re-op trans, 3 Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 Seventh-day Adventists, one of which believes in the 8-day week, and 26 Atheists but 3 Agnostics, plus one Palestinian sitting alone in the next car, how many Jews will the world mourn if the Palestinian decides to explode the bomb he surely has on him?

The problem is clear. So is a solution: Who needs math if we simply take out the Palestinians? Maybe move Gaza to Antarctica? Makes sense to include the West Bank while at it.

Oh, wait. Something still doesn't add up. It feels like Syria may need some division, perhaps a subtraction?

When you get down to it, that's precisely the type of gibberish that Clinton and the globalist clique she's a part of, along with any neocon, have been telling us, doing so for decades, and in a patronising manner, saying that it's OK if we don't understand, look, it's complicated, all those variables and complex factors to account for—even they have trouble and need their dedicated specialists to help them understand, but they don't, really, they just take their word for it, they're the experts [queue fake giggling].

And that's why the elites are there for us, so we don't have to think about such ugly and complex matters; we just have to trust people like Hillary Clinton...
CNN - far-left is peace people

Obviously, she and her kind understand nothing at all or the vile psychopathic bunch would display far more foresight than the disturbingly limited amount shown, having managed to erode the country's entire foundations in just four decades while also being directly responsible for millions of deaths across the globe; these people are the least evolved among us given the very primitive hunter-and-prey, deal-with-anything-later mentality that still defines their philosophy of life.

On top of all the other despicable qualities that seem to shine bright in these turds, it's their arrogance that gets me, has me thinking of T-ball for some reason.

But those I've a real hard time understanding are the pro-Democrat types willing to defend her as a non-criminal despite all the financial and war crimes that include her name stamped on the matter.

'Was she convicted of anything?' they ask, rhetorically, condescendingly. Then protest the unfair, racialized face of the judicial and incarceration systems as if the two aren't connected.

How these things are invariably twisted and judged per a tribe's flexible definition of justice is beyond me, but to see things evolve to a point where anything that offers a whiff of peace is considered "far left", now that's severely screwed up.

Oops! There Goes Some Pro-Genocidal Talking Points

 Recalling this point from the National Post's Tristin Hopper, having discussed a recent piece of his in my last post:

“For obvious reasons it’s always been a little difficult to equate Israel with Nazi Germany, everyone’s usual first choice for ‘most evil country.’ So Israel instead found itself being shoehorned into comparisons with Apartheid South Africa.”

“And Apartheid South Africa’s whole deal was to deny basic rights to most of its citizenry in order to empower a white minority to rule over a non-white majority. Jews are the majority in Israel, but one-fifth of the population is Arab and enjoys full citizenship.”

What to make of the fact that the ambassador representing the country that Zionists pass off as a lame attack against the Israelis' "justified self-defense" also refers to their country in order to qualify what they're seeing in Palestine as something a tad too familiar? (Source)

And did so in June of 2021. I've yet come across anyone saying that things in Palestine have gotten better since then, quite the contrary.

I came across the piece after posting the one in which I'd addressed Hopper's argument. Refuting this Zionist talking point is simply a no-brainer, in my mind. On the other hand, that such a claim has been made though the talking point still goes strong, for me, this raises many questions about the mindset and morality, as well as professionalism, of those who would put forth such an argument.

Other than hate, what would propel an individual to uphold empty arguments that excuse sickening levels of violence that can only find any justification providing that one remains totally ignorant of the whole that is the situation, and of one side's suffering?

Ambassador claims it's apartheid, in 2021

Speaking of that one-sided view...

Netanyahu should serve as the example to Zionists that, by doing their bidding, he provides a scary wake-up call that trumpets what to expect from Trump. I think I'm getting that right?

So many conflicting statements in such a pro-Dem piece, yet, these still manage to provide fodder for one tribe or the other, matters having become so muddled that hardly anyone sees anything clearly anymore, everyone caught up on arguing points several levels removed from the actual issues.

I'll make it simple: Netanyahu is an absolute prick; Trump is a total A-hole; Biden is a major dick; and H. Clinton is Queen Bitch.

None of these people should be the leader of any nation, period. There's no argument to be had there.

They are all awful individuals who deserve time in jail, and the one facing serious jail time is for financial reasons not even on the same scale as those financial and humanitarian ones whitewashed for the others, though Netanyahu may get his yet.    

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Meanwhile, Taking a Flight on Airhead International

Oh, I thought someone from a Caribbean country had won the Eurovision contest, not an Israeli. 

That thing turned pretty quickly into a weird and cheap and sleazy ratings grab that's exploiting any nationalism to generate licensing fees it seems. I rarely care for the winner of those types of competitions, such as American Idol and the likes; they all seem like some of the dumbest and shallowest people imaginable.

And one look at "Dana International", and the name confirms the generic, materialistic, and stupid I've come to expect from these "winners".

But one person's stupid is another stupid person's smart, which explains why dumb arguments always come in waves, the LGBTQ aspect being thrown around quite a bit these days in order to fan more hatred of Palestinians though these may refer specifically to Hamas.

That said, some rightwing idiot called Tasha Kheiriddin wrote in the National Post:

"How can LGBTQ+ groups shout and scream for a “free Palestine” when earlier this month, a gay Palestinian man was beheaded in Hebron, his head and torso dumped near his family’s home, for the “crime” of being LGBTQ+? How can they support an organization like Hamas, which killed one of its own commanders in 2016 after accusing him of having gay sex?" (Source)

Food for thought, as they may have missed these details whilst caring too much for the feelings of Zionists? Below are a few verified US events listed in Wikipedia for 2022 and a portion of 2023:  


  • February 17, 2022 – A 60-year-old gay man was tied up and assaulted with a wrench by Ethan Dickerson, his neighbor. Dickerson cited the victim's sexuality as the reason for the assault.
  • March 19, 2022 – A 22-year-old man was attacked while riding a NYC subway train. The suspect repeatedly spat on the victim, then began to assault the victim when they tried to move.
  • April 17, 2022 – James Garcia, a gay man, was attacked while walking his dog by Maurice Charles, 36 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As a result of the attack, Garcia had to receive ten stitches.
  • April 26, 2022 – An unidentified individual threw a rock through the front door of the Pride Center VT office. As of April, 2022 the incident remains unsolved and is being investigated as a hate crime.
  • June 1, 2022 – An unidentified individual, 31, was stabbed on the New York City subway. The suspect started a verbal altercation with the victim, utilizing homophobic slurs. Subsequently, the suspect then stabbed the victim, before fleeing the station.
  • July 3, 2022 – Noah Ruiz, a 20-year-old transgender man, was assaulted by multiple men while camping in Camden, Ohio. Ruiz was advised to use the women's restroom at a campground site, despite identifying as male. While in the bathroom, a woman angrily confronted Ruiz, and left the bathroom. When Ruiz later exited the bathroom, three men approached Ruiz and proceeded to assault him.
  • November 19–20, 2022 – A mass shooting at a gay bar in Colorado Springs, Colorado leaves five people dead and 25 injured.


  • July 8, 2023 – Greg Breidenbach, a gay man, was attacked by two men who shouted slurs at him. The attack left him with broken bones in his left eye socket, left sinus cavity and left cheek.
  • July 29, 2023 – O'Shae Sibley, a 28-year-old gay man, was stabbed and later died outside a gas station in Brooklyn, New York. The suspect responsible for the stabbing was identified as a 17-year-old, who turned himself in to police custody on August 4, 2023 and was later charged with second-degree murder as a hate crime.
  • August 18, 2023 – Laura Ann Carleton, a store owner in Lake Arrowhead, California and LGBTQ+ ally, was shot to death, allegedly by Travis Ikeguchi, who took issue with a pride flag being displayed at her business.

Worthy of mention but dating from 12-Jun-2016, is American terrorist Omar Mateen's Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, where he murdered 49 people and wounded 53 others in a mass shooting that's still considered to be the biggest attack on the LGBTQ community and the biggest mass shooting in US history.

I hope Dana International is petitioning her far-right government, and hard, because I couldn't be her and be proud of my Euro-trophy knowing that Netanyahu is accepting weapons to conduct war crimes with from the US seeing all the anti-LGBTQ crimes committed there. 

Same goes for the other idiot, Kheiriddin; I'm sure she's writing a piece pleading the Canadian government to reconsider its ties with the US and our role in the Middle East region as you're reading this?

Stupid is as Stupid Educates?

According to Fox, that there would be even one pro-Palestinian protest is a sure sign that the education system is worthless and needs to be privatised and that Tik Tok is a Chinese-controlled propaganda machine that's destroying America via kids.

You gotta admire how willing and able they are to turn any issue into pro-conservative, anti-tax arguments that are sure to denigrate whatever stands for their notion of "leftism", but it's also what makes Fox so disgusting.  Education is to blame for pro-Palestinian stances

Modi Shows His True Mood

Modi has simply decided to show the bigotry that's in line with the Hindutva politics that's transforming the country into a Hindu state through oppressive, authoritarian means that are usually shunned by the US, but, well, there's China, see...

Indians have revived the Khalistan issue, so I'll provide plenty of proof of New Delhi's idiocy and hypocrisy very soon, but I did want to touch on this given the clearer message this sends to Muslims while, symbolically, it further establishes India's loyalty to the Western bloc, though this signals even greater opportunism from the Modi government as it takes advantage of anti-Islamist sentiments to further its own nationalist agenda at home.

Albeit having cracked down on previous pro-Palestinian protests that had broken out in India, no ban had been invoked. New Delhi justified this shift by wanting to avoid riots sparked by Muslims residing in the Jammu & Kashmir region, as these seem to see a parallel between theirs and the Palestinian's situation, go figure.

Per the lies and highly-oppressive measures used, all's quiet and peaceful in J&K, so why needlessly revive persistent tensions?  

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"Hamas must be destroyed"

How anyone can make such a claim and be "against" terrorism is beyond me.

Yet, it's a common one that's been made by many an arrogant leader that's professing the death of Hamas as the only way forward, hence, the ongoing massacre is truly heartbreaking, they offer, but a sad side-effect of war that scientists—in collaboration with weapons manufacturers—are still trying to resolve.

So, until then, no matter how emotionally difficult it may be, know that the piles of dead evil babies are piling up and piling high, wide, too, as this helps, providing that one focuses on the thought that each baby had parents that are a part of Hamas or have once played Bingo with one.

Unjustified? Disproportionate? Wasn't there a slideshow with fireworks put together by Hamas to celebrate all those babies they beheaded; I think Biden was there, no? Thought he'd been given tickets to the Ice Capades but, boy, was he wrong. It turned out to be a room filled with nothing but terrorists eating fried babies on sticks while discussing good raping techniques.

If you think I'm being insensitive, then I'm likely to think you're a moron. Because that's the kind of idiocy that the Western media have been spewing non-stop for far too long to demonize too many for policy ends that benefit a few elites while assuring the deaths of many. And that's the type of idiocy I'm now hearing about Hamas and Palestinians to justify the deaths of over 4,000 children, the total count of civilians blown apart or crushed under a building reaching 11,000.

Those 1,400 unfortunate Israelis that justify such carnage, seeing as nothing exists before 7-Oct-2023, how many of those were killed by the IDF? I've heard that at least half isn't farfetched. We'll probably never get an accurate count, but this, too—the flat-out refusal to acknowledge this factor and to block any serious enquiry—is a behaviour I find absolutely disturbing.

Economist - Can't stop fight, Hamas must die

Where is the limit to such lies if not one that lies in genocide?

The hypocrisy is astounding. How to bridge all that was said about Ukraine with what's been said now? Not an easy task, making it hard for ham actors like John Kirby to keep up appearances, told to cry for Ukrainian children being pulled out of war regions and brought to 'care camps' by Russians, and to shrug off the thousands of dead Palestinian children as a normal side effect of war because, cue crying, 40 babies were beheaded by Hamas, but not really; but saying so makes killing some children something to cheer about.

Plus, I hear they were singing "From the river to the sea," which is a sure sign that these kids were Marylin Manson fans just begging to become heroin addicts in order to pose a threat to Israelis.

Killing Palestinian children is preemptive. Proactive, too.

And that's not my take, obviously, but the one we're expected to accept, simply, as a sad and unavoidable consequence of Palestinian callousness and poor voting decisions.

Babies, children, women, or men, civilians or soldiers, these only matter to the psychopaths in charge when playing on public emotions serves their purpose. Otherwise, they couldn't possibly care less about Palestinians or Ukrainians, Taiwanese or Mexican.

The many contradictions with any of the sentiments deemed to be the normal, non-Putin-loving ones that were to be had in the face of "the worse slaughter since WWII" and the "most inhumane war imaginable" is more than a tad staggering and, this also, is very disturbing.

All Russians were monsters for causing the death of even one blond-haired-and-blue-eyed Ukrainian child. There, that many civilian deaths were the direct result of the Ukrainian extremist battalions' "human shield" tactics, citizens being forced to stay within fighting zones by the ardent Banderites that were once the majority of the first army that no longer is, the common assumption being that Ukraine is now on its "third army", that was all Putin propaganda that only sick traitors repeated.

Yet, "human shield" applied in a truly illogical manner to justify bombing the hell out of civilians, the majority children and women, and the "terrorist" label applied so loosely is all it takes to see reason leading to acceptable fury expressed through savage violence?

The following excerpts from that Economist piece, right, aims to do just that, glazing over civilian lives, the vast majority being children and women, then the elderly; fighters aren't among those being competently targeted, it would seem, but all's worth it, as Madeleine Albright would say, 'cause that's what's needed to bring piece.

What's that? It's p-e-a-c-e? Oh, right, my bad. I so rarely use that word... um... uh... because Hamas is still alive, silly. Peace isn't a viable concept so long as there's a Hamas on earth.

•     •     •

Around the world the cry is going up for a ceasefire or for Israel to abandon its ground invasion.

Many of those arguing this believe in the need for a Jewish state, but fear for a Jewish state that seems to value Palestinian lives so cheaply. They worry that the slender hopes for peace in this age-old conflict will be buried under Gaza’s rubble.

Those are powerful arguments, but they lead to the wrong conclusion.

However, even if Israel chooses to honour these responsibilities, the only path to peace lies in dramatically reducing Hamas’s capacity to use Gaza as a source of supplies and a base for its army. Tragically, that requires war.

Over the past two decades Israel lost sight of the fact that Palestinians deserve a state, too. Mr Netanyahu boosted Hamas to sabotage Palestinian moderates—a cynical ploy to help him argue that Israel has no partner for peace. Instead, Palestinian suffering became something to manage, with a mix of financial inducements and deterrence, kept fresh by repeated short wars.

On October 7th Hamas destroyed all this, including Mr Netanyahu’s brittle scheme. The terrorists ripped apart Israel’s social contract by shattering the security doctrine created to defend it. Deterrence proved empty, early warning of an attack was absent, home-front protection failed and Hamas murdered 1,400 people in Israeli communities. Far from enjoying victory, Israel’s soldiers and spies were humiliated.

The only way out of the cycle of violence is to destroy Hamas’s rule—which means killing its senior leaders and smashing its military infrastructure. The suggestion that a war which entails the deaths of thousands of innocent people can lead to peace will appal many. In the past one act of violence has led to the next. That is indeed the great risk today.

However, while Hamas runs Gaza, peace is impossible. Israelis will feel unsafe, so their government will strike Gaza pre-emptively every time Hamas threatens. Suffocated by permanently tight Israeli security and killed as Hamas’s human shields in pre-emptive Israeli raids, Palestinians will be radicalised. The only way forward is to weaken its control while building the conditions for something new to emerge.

The above attempts to justify the immoral actions of Netanyahu, whose own morality is to be questioned and fairly judged and, really, it's irrelevant in the grander scheme of good against evil that pits civilized folks deserving a peace against uncontrollable animals. Peace can only come about once the Zionists have achieved their goal...

That kind of thinking is what the world is fed up with, which is why saying that people are feeling miserable and completely dejected by the deaths of so many civilians is missing a layer; they're livid, and in all sorts of fumes and shades whose existence appears to escape the elites' awareness.

For money or biblical reasons, the BS is just too visible and too much to bear.

The contrast between Ukraine and Palestine and what the West is willing to turn a blind eye on while calling death to Russians and anyone that supports them is too glaring. Illogical. Sitting back and denying a clear genocide in motion, simply asking to use smaller bombs and allow aid to reach people before they're blown to bits, that betrays a bit too much that undermines a whole lot, and the US is already running a deficit on the level of respect it can still expect and the coercive power that came with that.

In any semblance of a real democracy, the brutality in Gaza would have ended already, and it probably wouldn't have started at all so long as Palestinians were treated like people and as equals.

But what baffles me is why no one is saying: The Israeli government has got to be destroyed! Palestinians have the right to bomb all of Israel until every governmental employee is killed or surrenders with their hands up.

Because you bought into some perverted notion of "terrorist" doesn't change the fact that the same logic used to validate what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians applies all the more so for the Palestinians, especially, if they'd permanently bombed the hell out of the Zionists back in 1948. 

It's justified anywhere else by the West whenever someone is labeled a "separatist" wherever the West isn't keen on a regime change. In such cases, "separatist" or "terrorist", what's the difference? Just don't ask India, as they're criminally clueless on the matter. 

All those constant raids into Gaza and the West Bank done under the guise of looking for terrorists that always result in buildings being destroyed and civilians being shot, is it because they do it in a piecemeal fashion that makes what the Israelis have been doing for decades acceptable while the events of 7-Oct count as a Holocaust 2? Never mind the details, every single death is Hamas' fault and theirs only, and the world won't rest until no one can grow up to be Hamas?  

But, being a humane human, that's far too big an ask for some, as dealing with a real version of reality is a far bigger challenge for these same people, being among those who ride a one-way street with a two-dimensional view that's allegedly patrolled by a holy trinity across all four corners of the world, except for the five outposts of Hell known as Iran Syria, China, Russia, and North Korea, where all's 666 and there's no lucky seven.

That kind of mentality and approach, it's what led to Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia all being bombed, and that was just for 2016, a year that saw the US attack seven countries, dropping 26,171 bombs, which works out to an average of 72 bombs every day—the equivalent of three an hour—according to an analysis by the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).

 CFR warned that its estimates were “undoubtedly low, considering reliable data is only available for airstrikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya, and a single ‘strike,’ according to the Pentagon’s definition, can involve multiple bombs or munitions.  (Source)

Out of the total for the year, for just the US, it's estimated that 24,287 bombs were used in Iraq and Syria in their fight against the offshoot mutation created by their very own hate and greed, ISIL. 

In 2015, the total number of US bombs dropped in Iraq and Syria was 22,210, CFR reported.

In 2008, Barack Obama promised to end the war in Iraq and troops were finally pulled out in 2011, but the allies left the country in ruins and in a sorry, leaderless state after having sparked all sorts of factions to life while trying to control just two.

A full-scale war that sucked the US back in broke out in 2013, so the US-led allies flipped into destruction mode from 2014 to 2017, at which point the US stopped its active operations in the region, wink-wink, pulling the troops out and taking them home. But not really.

Troops are still there, US presence still doing more harm to people who'd lost their nation and saw much of their history being pulverized or set on fire, and for no real reason beyond those manufactured by the West to justify inhumane acts while the causes themselves were, as they usually are, entirely related to greed, and nothing else.

That the US stole half of Syria's land and illegally built a military base there from which to conduct illegal operations and steal Syrian oil... that kind of thing is why people are confused, perhaps, when told that "occupation" is bad and so are "terrorists", because if you don't have an army, you just have to take it, and never fight back.US blames Putin for Hamas

Interestingly, Hamas had always made it a priority to attack only military targets and nothing but; this was very important to them: no civilians should be hurt. Apparently, per two academic accounts I've read, Hamas went out of its way to avoid civilian casualties in it beginning years, but it was Israel constantly murdering Palestinian civilians that eventually pushed Hamas to adopt more indiscriminate strategies while prioritising military targets.

Try to deny that while accounting for the disproportionate death count on the Palestinian side, then try and tell me that the Zionists in Chief ever cared for the Palestinians.

And, keeping in mind that Washington is behind it all, even if only as a bank or weapons provider—making it complicit in war crimes—and recalling all the lives that establishment goons gladly destroyed, and the real reasons why they did so, it shouldn't be surprising to see the likes of Anthony Blinken trying to pin all of Washington's incompetence and sleaze on Hamas, should it?

True scum will be scum.             

What's Morality but a Means to Sell Wants

CNN offered the following piece on 8-Nov-2023, "Imprisoned Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi has gone on hunger strike, her family says".   

Standard fare, per the propaganda methods that one can expect, exploiting martyrs, or creating them or amplifying cases whose reality fails to be truly shocking. This one falls in the latter group.

This is a common tactic used to demonize some nation and brand its ruling class as authoritarian monsters: get an exclusive interview with one of the "regime's" victims who'll provide a personal account that's sure to represent the whole. If some facts have to be fudged or amplified, so be it; are you gonna defend a dictator?!

Notice the difference concerning the sentencing, highlighted by the red, below.

Rare are cases that actually paint the demon in charge we're to believe is there. Because, in uncollaborative countries, everything that happens there is always under the control of just one evil dictator, and absolutely all responsibility rests on them.

Good thing we have nuance in the West, I suppose.

The issue I raise isn't in regards to the Iranian policy and whether or not Mohammadi should be jailed; it regards the manipulation that's often applied in order to illicit the emotions that serve a purpose; reality oftentimes sits closer to what's considered reasonable than whatever version gets pushed by the West.

This type of exaggeration is more common than people seem to realize, obviously, for how else to explain most of the hatred?

CNN - lies about sentence

The reported reality



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